Sunday, June 14, 2015

Umbrellas... The New Accessory

Umbrellas have been around for thousands of years. They first were used to block the user from the sun. Not until the 1800's did the umbrella become a utensil to shield from the rain.

From what I can see looking at old pictures, the umbrella's biggest fashion statement was in the 1800's Victorian era. The posers in these old school pictures usually had an umbrella. The umbrella was not only a fashion accessory, it was a status symbol.

Most of us own a cheap, fold up umbrella that brakes with even a thought of wind. Or we have ditched umbrellas all together and run in the rain to our cars hoping not to get soaked; even though we have one in the trunk that was long forgotten about. A lot of us even have an umbrella sitting in the back of a closet covered with all the other stuff we don't use. Those days are going to be over least from a fashion aspect.

That old, crusty umbrella has had a make over and it will once again turn into a coveted fashion accessory. Now when I talk about umbrellas, I'm not talking about the umbrella that is a border line self defense tool, (you know the one that has a button and when it is pressed, shoots out in record speed and opens up like a shield)...

I'm talking about the long umbrella that can be used as a walking stick...

I am also talking about new designs and handles that have improved and modernized the device a bit.

Don't need the button umbrella for self defense anymore, this one is equipped with brass knuckles!!

This one straps to the back like a sword, for the anime and cos play lovers.

There's even a light saber umbrella for the Star Wars lovers.
( ...I'm seeing a defense trend with these umbrellas!!)

This one is even cool, a cloud  to cover the rain drops.

...Handkerchief anyone?...

We will for sure see a lot of celebrities rocken umbrellas with their attire. And  high end designers will jump on the trend, designing some cool umbrellas for the label babies.

Yet the classics will always reign supreme. The 100 year old umbrella companies that have continued to hand make umbrellas throughout the drought will see a huge surge in profits when this trend catches fire.

 With all things, good products come with a good price. Just be prepared to shell out a few hundred dollars for a great umbrella.

So if you are tired of getting wet in the rain, or grabbing a plastic bag to cover your head when the sky has opened up.  Start looking for a good umbrella before the prices go up.
