"Never leave the house looking crazy," I always hear ringing in my head "Cause you never know who you are going to meet or what is going to happen." This is one of the main quotes I have adopted in my life and have taken it to heart. It is a habit for me to "get dressed" everyday.
Regardless if we think, for feel it is right or not. People judge you when they see you. "The world forms its first and most lasting impression of a man by the clothes he wears." Napoleon Hill. You GAIN and or LOOSE opportunities by your appearance alone. You get treated differently, respectfully or not by your appearance alone. You display with a Neon bill board in LCD LOUD AND CLEAR what you feel about your self by your appearance alone.
So why would you "Tie your shoes together in a marathon race?" It doesn't make sense right? Now follow me on this- We are spirits and our body is our home. Our spirit is who we really are. Our body is just our human existence. However our spirit feels we show it in and on our body. "What ever is within (inside you) shall be without (outside you)." Haanel. This is Universal Law whether you consciously abide or not.
"An appearance of prosperity attracts attention always, with no exception whatsoever. Moreover, a look of prosperity attracts 'favorable attention,' because the one dominating desire in every human heart is to be prosperous." Napoleon Hill
"Clothes do not make the man but no one can deny the fact that good clothes go a very long way toward giving him a favorable start." a poet
"Success attracts success! There is no escape from this Universal Law therefore, if you wish to attract success make sure that you look the part of success, whether your calling is that of day laborer or prince." Napoleon Hill
"I do not wear thirty-one suits of clothing (one a day) entirely for the impression they make on the other people; I do it mostly for the impression they have on me." Edward C. Barnes.
Don't you just Feel good when you Know you look good? You stand a little taller, you are more confident, part of your attire is a smile on your face! Dressing good makes you feel good! That is what is this is all about. Presenting yourself well has all to do with YOU! When you dress well you give off positive energy. Which in turn, others see and feel, then it opens the doors for opportunities that might not have happened if you didn't start the positive chain reaction! You might not have the best clothing by your standards but start where you are at!And I am not saying you have to get the latest in fashion and all of the name brand clothing;carrying yourself like you Do love yourself and ARE interested in your own well being goes a long way. If they do it and are successful shouldn't you until you "make it"? You need not any "special" place to go, do it for you!
If any of your "friends" don't have positive things to say about you "all of a sudden" looking good on a continuous basis...They are not be the kind of people you need to surround your self around. Surround yourself around people who support and encourage your betterment.
When you feel good you look good. When you look good great things happen!!!!
"This little light of mine....I'm gonna let it shine....." is not just a song! LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! In all that you do. You will only see each day one time. So Shine! How do you think Will Smith, Beyonce, Oprah and the President of the United States Barack Obama got to where they are at? They let their light shine! It is time you let yours.....SHIIIIIIINNE!!!!!
Lady Imagery
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