Friday, January 29, 2016

Passive Buildings, Tiny Homes, and Earthships

   Yes this is a fashion forecasting blog... and houses fall into design... and design is fashion!!! ( It might not make sense but just roll with me!) I will talk about the up-coming surge of Passive homes/buildings, Tiny Homes and Earth ships.

What are passive homes?

   Passive homes / buildings are energy efficient buildings that have amazing insulation and are air tight. This prevents inside air from going out and outside air from coming ( unless a window or door is opened... of course)

It has high performance windows and the main source of energy is solar.

 It costs about the same amount to build a passive home as the conventional homes yet, the buyers save all the money on the back end. The normal electric and gas bill are slashed dramatically, if there is one at all.

They have a modern feel, any one can basically build the house exactly how they would like .I like this one because it reminds me of Earth ships.

Earth Ships?

Earth ships are completely self sustainable houses  that are " off the grid" they use solar energy and the heat transfer from the ground to keep the house warm. And strategic placements of windows and sun blockers to keep the house cool. ( to say in layman's terms)

 They have an amazing visual exterior and are formed to live with the earth while still keeping all of the modern amenities. Rain water is filtered stored and collected. 

The walls of the earth ships are made of tires packed with sand, cans and bottles. Then they are covered with cement and plaster...

Interiors of Earth Ships

...which gives the interior a whole new look and feel than the traditional interiors  we have been accustomed to. Each home has it's own unique personality. I love how tires and glass make up these beautiful homes!

All earthships have a built in green house that provides the food!! The gardens are watered by recycled filtered  rain water water.

What are Tiny Homes?

Tiny homes look like miniature versions of passive homes, I think they are so cute! They have all the amenities of a conventional house but are significantly smaller.

Tiny homes are  500 square feet or smaller, they are relatively easy to make and super economical. You can build yourself a home with $8,000 -$2500!

Many of these homes are "off the grid" and use only solar energy. Yet we will see tiny home communities popping up in cites and rural areas.


People are astounded by how much money is paid to buy a house! Paying over 1 million dollars over the course of 30 years for $290,000 is asinine! "For most Americans 1/2 to 1/3 of their income is dedicated to the roof over their heads; this translates to 15 years of working over your lifetime just to pay for it, and because of it 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck." (

The interiors are very cozy. The design and layout are made to use the best of the space.

As you can see there are even 2 story tiny homes with the living space on the bottom and bed on top.

It is a studio apartment! Without the loud neighbors or the pounding of little kids feet running on top of you.

    All of the homes can be made off the grid. Being off the grid is a huge why reason people are choosing alternative ways of making their living space. For those of you that don't know, what "Off the Grid" means; It is the house is not using any of the conventional ways of  electricity, water or gas. The people have no bills to pay to companies which keeps more of your hard earned money in your pocket.

     These are seemingly three different styles of homes or buildings yet they all serve the same purpose: to make the world a better place, to lower our carbon emission, to minimize all or small portions of our lifestyles also, TO NOT PAY UTILITY BILLS!! I see nothing wrong with living in a huge house. Yet, I do like the idea of living in a house that is working with the natural habitat instead of taking it over. 
    What I see happening in the future is all of these styles of houses/buildings are going to merge into one kind of super home/building where it is made of recycled materials, it is air tight keeping the insulation and co- inhabits with the earth, it recycles and filters the rain water, they will incorporate green houses  for food and solar energy will provide the electricity. This is my vision of the ultimate future house.  

    There are organizations and associations that are popping up for each of these  styles of homes: The Passive Home Institute, Tiny House Atlanta and Earthship Biotecture which helps people build earthships in 5 weeks!

    So, those of you who are currently designers or going to school for interior design, architects, contractors,o r even furniture designers, I would suggest you start looking into this emerging industry. You will be a heads up from everyone else in how to incorporate new and innovative designs in these interesting new buildings.


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