Monday, June 11, 2012

Men... Please Tailor your suits!

You tried, too Big                 YEEEEES!
Okay men. Some of men have yet to graduate
to the sophistication of a suit. Some men just don't like       them and say they are too stuffy and that the suit doesn't
 represent them. Some might actually want to change up
 their style but are a little scared because it is different    from who they have been. This is all OK.
  You don't have to like the suit. But if you you really
 Think about it, what does a man have to dress up with?...

Us women have dresses, skirts, shorts, pants accessories..... nail polish..... lol. But really all                
a man has is a suit or a tuxedo. Men don't realize              
how many women they can catch if they are well
   The suit on the top left is too big. This is how we see many young men. A suit is supposed to fit well and flatter the mans body. The top right picture is the correct fitting of a suit. Some of you guys might be thinking, " Maaaaan, the pic on the right is looking kinda snug on dude." Hahahaa!!! But really a suit is the top stature of a man in our society. It would do you good to have at least one in your wardrobe and  have it fit correctly. You might want to try an experiment wearing a suit and see how much more respect you get. It is amazing.

    Some young men are really trying and have gone as far as purchasing a suit. But they have missed the mark because the suits they purchase are usually waaaaay to big. Yet, how would you know how to wear a suit if your were never told? This is what I'm here for.


This pic is another example of a suit that is too big. The shoulders of the suit are hanging off the mans shoulders. The arms are too big and too long. OOOHHH GOOODNEESS!! He has pleats in his pants!!
L-O-L!!!... Hey....I mean. Pleats aren't the worst thing in the world, but in this day and age, pleats aren't  as flattering on a man as they used to be. Another thing is the crouch of the pant is hanging to low and the pant leg is slightly to big. Lastly  The tie is hanging too long.

**** The main thing a man has to look at when he buys a suit is the shoulders and collar. Those things can not be altered.  To alter means to get the clothing fit to your body from a tailor or seamstress. Every thing else can be added to or taken away from; they can tighten or loosen the waist and crouch area also the coat sleeves and pant legs can be lengthened or shortened.. Altering is relatively inexpensive and will do you a world of good.A well tailored suit is a great impression.

We have to understand that centuries ago when clothing turned into "fashion" those clothes were specially made by tailors or seamstresses. All most of us have ever known is; go to the store and buy clothing. Back in the day, your clothing was specially made. So the articles fit your body the correcty way. The early 1900's is when "ready to wear" clothing came into play. The industrial revolution happened, now clothing could be mass produced. Meaning you can go into a store and pick a size closest to your size, then wear it.

Yet, just because a certain size might fit better doesn't mean that it is the correct size for you. You still might have to get it tailored. A cheap well tailored suit will look better loads better than an expensive non-tailored suit any day.

Lets find balance here.

Now that I have shown you the incorrect way, lets talk about how we can fix this dilemma. Look at the male celebrities. Every time we see them in a suit they look impeccable. Will Smith knows he can wear the heck out of a suit! He always looks fantastic! Love his style, love his confidence. Just an all around sexy man!

  Will Smith has on well tailored suits. The coat lays flat, there aren't any extra wrinkles of too much fabric. The crouch and leg area  fit with just enough room to move. The button up shirt fit his body. The collar of the shirt is perfect around the neck.  He has a nice round toe shoe and Thank God the pleats are gone!! :) The picture on the left is more of a causal suit, while still looking fantastic. The right pic is a three piece suit- perfect picture, perfect fit! 

Here is the side view of a well tailored suit. Straight lines down the back shoulders and leg.

If men really  knew how to get a woman. I mean... You can have a girl... but a woman loves a well dressed confident man. So very sexy.

Here is a close up of how your coat shirt and tie should fit. If you do wear a tie it should come to  your belt.

The arm of the coat suit is suppose to be right at your wrist bone, So the shirt can be scene. This is where some nice cuff links come in.

So debonair

You can have to have fun with it!!! Love the bow tie. Be your self. You don't have to act stuffy. Remember you wear the suit.The suit isn't wearing you. You make or break any clothing you wear with your attitude. Be spontaneous!

I am a sucker for the preppy look. This is the school boy fit.

If this isn't a sexy picture!!!!! OK.. so it is not politically correct because of the  cigarette buuuuuuut.... who cares! A good pic, is a good pic, is a dang good pic!!! So sophisticated, so sexy, looking great in his suit and confident about it.


There are many different kinds of suits. This is the basic way to wear one.  After you have this staple then you can move to other kinds. And ladies, if you didn't know anything about suits, now you do and can have your man looking better than anyone in his suit when it is time.

Confident. Sexy. Debonair


Lady Imagery

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